Postcard example:


Text by Marita Batna, June 2021 (edited 11 July 2021)

Creative Occupation has now released Series Three postcards (thirty-two different images).

If you receive a postcard as well as the Exhibition ‘Unseen’ information via the postal system, it means your postal details are registered in the Postcard Project as part of your participation in Series One (Series One information here).

Series Three postcards can be also obtained within the Exhibition ‘Unseen’ and related events (2-30 July 2021, A.Deakin Library Gallery, Sally Walker Building of Deakin Waterfront Campus, Western Beach Road, Geelong).

Your participation in Series Three:

Series Three extends an invitation – Send It for the Island. This is the final postcard series dedicated to the Island and its future. Send it and receive it back with thank you stamped by Creative Occupation.

Your written words and message to the Island (anonymously) will be included in an installation in the exhibition ‘Unseen”. Your name and address will not be displayed. Only transcribed words will be seen, the image of the postcard will not be used for this installation.

The Postcard Project reflects the co-productive creative process inherent to the undertaking of Creative Occupation through the interactions between different agencies - the artists, the audience, and the Island.

Data collection and use: 

Creative Occupation / Postcard Project is organized and managed as part of artistic research activity by Marita Batna, a PhD student of Monash University (Melbourne), Faculty of Art Design and Architecture (MADA).  

Postcard Project is a communication scheme that depends on its users and I want to make sure that it is ethical. I’d like to inform you about the use of your postcard that you send through the Creative Occupation Postcard Project.  

You can send the postcard via post to the Island of SCF & Creative Occupation’s PO box (address printed on the postcard). In the gallery space, the postcard that you post is collected into a non-transparent (wooden) box and the content is not accessible for other participants.

Besides using the postcard letter for an installation within the exhibition ‘Unseen’, the postcard may be used as data or image for documentation and inspiration within Creative Occupation and may be published in a project’s book or similar publication in the future. Your name or address will not be revealed - this information or part of the postcard will be digitally covered (ed. 11/07/21: unless you will allow the name to be seen). Similarly, the postcard may be used as data, image, or hard copy (if available or unsent, see information below about the return of original postcards) in an installation in the frames of my artistic research that continues beyond the Postcard Project. In this case, your name or address will not be revealed, the information will be either digitally or physically covered (ed. 11/07/21: unless you will allow the name to be seen).

By sending your postcard through the Creative Occupation Postcard Project, you are giving us your consent to use it in this way.

After the Exhibition ‘Unseen’, your original written postcard will be returned to you with the Island’s Thank You and the Creative Occupation stamp. You will receive your postcard back if your address is provided on the postcard or if we have your address registered (if you received the postcard via postal system it is registered).

After the return of all postcards with Thank You, your postal data will be deleted from the Creative Occupation project’s records. A digital copy of your postcard with your name and address details will also be deleted from the project’s records.

Before the deletion of the registered addresses, I will compile a statistical summary about suburbs, Australian states, and countries of the Postcard Project participants.

Concerns and contact information

If you have any enquiries, concerns, or complaints about the conduct of Creative Occupation / Postcard Project, please do not hesitate to contact Marita +61 (0)425 326 728, marita.batna[at]